I love doing commissions, many of which extend me in terms of my carving skills or my linguistic knowledge, or both. Some people choose languages/scripts that have a particular meaning to their family and heritage, and/or significant words or phrases; others choose initials, or simply symbols and characters they like. Here’s a selection of the commissions I’ve done over the past decade, but I can safely predict the next decade will include requests I never anticipated!
To discuss commissions, email me at tim@endangeredalphabets.com.
Artwork commissions tend to be pieces to hang on a wall or stand on a mantelpiece, but more ambitious clients have made them an integral part of their homes or offices. Some have become museum pieces.
- “You only know how good a horse is by riding it." Proverb in Mongolian bichig script on curly maple
- “Ananse ntontan,” an Adinkra symbol symbolizing community and collaboration, in curly maple
- “To love love” in Mongolian calligraphy on curly maple. Destined for permanent display at a calligraphy and art center in Mongolia.
- Eastern Cham E on mahogany
- Blessing in Tibetan calligraphy, carved in flame mahogany
For the larger and more complex pieces, I collaborate with other woodworkers who have the equipment and skills I don’t, while the smaller and simpler pieces I make myself—but in every case I do the carving after discussion with the client. In some cases the larger pieces can be made in such a way they can be shipped and assembled on site. I’m still hoping to do a cross-country road trip to install, say, a gorgeous conference table carved in minority scripts!
- Cherry dining table with blessing in Tibetan calligraphy
- Bed headboard in cherry and curly maple with the word “Sleep” in the Chu-nom script of Vietnam
- Side table with Tibetan calligraphy
- Dining table with Balinese meal blessing, in maple and walnut
- “Bon appetit” in Balinese as a dining-table trivet or centerpiece, in curly maple