Details of this season of my discussion group

It has been called the Writing Beyond Writing Book Club, it has been called The Art of Writing–whatever its name, it is the most enjoyable, fun, thought-provoking, full-of-unexpected-twists-and-turns conversation pit I’ve ever been in.

In general, the running theme is “What is writing?” But we have covered fields and gone down rabbit holes that range far and wide and deep and rabbity, and no end is anything like in sight.

Right now, I am setting these meetings up every two weeks, on Sundays, and GENERALLY at noon ET, though it will be wise to check as some of our guests presenters are from parts of the world where the sun shines at different times.

To help subsidize my time involved in setting up and running these discussions, I have had to start making a nominal charge of $10 for the final two sessions of this four-meeting package–but in return I promise to send you a copy of the digital edition of either Writing Beyond Writing or Endangered Alphabets Sudoku. Make a donation at , let me know which book you’d like, and I’ll send you the registration link.

The current 4-meeting season began on February 2 with a fabulous presentation-and-discussion led by Helen Magowan, who started with her research into 18th-century Japanese calligraphy but headed off into the nature of writing, the meaning of cursive, the way to hold a brush or pen, asemic writing, the importance (or otherwise) of legibility, the difference between writing and text, the relationship between calligraphy and the martial arts–honestly, you had to be there.

Future meetings will involve a writer-artist who writes in pitch darkness, a font designer trying to create a font for every script in the world, and researcher who will introduce a three-dimensional writing form that is used only during Lent.

Join us!