A new reward: the only script created and used exclusively by women
The latest reward in our Kickstarter campaign is one of my carvings in the only script in the world known to have been invented and used by women, almost entirely in secret in rural China.
The Nüshu script was painted or embroidered, often on domestic objects such as fans–hence the shape of this carving.
Read more about this extraordinary script, and the social role it played at a time and in a place where women had very little control over their own lives and destinies, at https://www.endangeredalphabets.net/alphabets/nushu/.
The text is carved in holly wood because owing to the reproductive strategies of the holly tree, it is common to find stands of holly trees consisting entirely of females.
If you’re interested, you’d better hurry–the campaign has only four more days to run! Click HERE to pledge.