Two Alphabets appearances in one week!
No fewer than two opportunities to see the Endangered Alphabets (and me) this week if you’re in Vermont, upstate New York or Quebec.
On Thursday evening at 6 p.m., the Alphabets are part of a double-exhibition at Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont. One part features artwork from 19th-century expeditions led by Norwich grads; the Alphabets raise the question, “Yes, but what about the explorees?” What is the impact on those whose lands and cultures are “discovered” by those from the West?
On Friday at 6:30 p.m. I’ll be speaking at the new GreenTARA Gallery in North Hero, Vermont, where Alphabets carvings will be displayed and on sale for the next month. Proceeds support the Endangered Alphabets Games–creating games that will help indigenous and minority peoples revive their mother tongues.
Please stop by if you’re in the area!