First Panel Complete
The first of the four panels that will make up the Endangered Poem Project is now complete! I dragged it out into the winter sunlight (yes, you can tell I’m in Vermont) and shot photos of all five of the alphabets it includes. From top to bottom, they are :

…and the newest and perhaps the most unusual of all….

As soon as I get a moment I’ll give a little more information about each. The amazingly helpful people who sent me the translations are (top to bottom) Adrian Clynes, Siang Bacthi, Anthony Jukes, Charles Haberl and Wei James Xuecun, though in some cases the translations were the result of a group effort and I’d like to extend my thanks to everyone else who was involved.
In the meantime, please bear in mind that the sole source of funding for my work comes from sales of the book Endangered Alphabets, which you can buy here.
P.S. Thanks to Sarah Hulsey at the Montserrat College of Art in Beverly, Mass, for inviting me down to run an endangered-alphabet-carving workshop for her students. Send me photos, Sarah!
P.P.S. Thanks also to Kate Schaal at the Quechee Library for hosting the Alphas. Kate, did anyone take any photos? What is it with the lack of photos, people??